Back to Mexico Beach, FL one year later

Today has been one of those days where it is a drive down nightmare lane, not memory lane… it is the one year anniversary of Category Five Hurricane Michael making landfall at Mexico Beach, FL in Bay County, FL.

I say nightmare because this was the scariest storm intercept of my life. Then again, I was in one of the worst possible position you could put yourself into without getting hit by the surge. The trip also was good to answer questions about time and distances for my own sanity since this was the first time being back at Mexico Beach, FL since the storm.

Shot on 10/10/2018 in the eye wall of Hurricane Michael on highway 98 before the surge.
10/9/2019 The view of what is left along the same area of Highway 98 a year after Hurricane Michael.

Below are some of the images from the area on the one year anniversary of the storm. You can see some of the damaged homes and structures are still waiting on insurance claims and a large amount of lots are empty where houses once stood.

Photo from the drone of the party at Mango’s in Mexico Beach, FL

Over the next few weeks I’m working on a follow up documentary project for this storm and the recovery.