Out Flying Today. Got Vectors Right Over The Top Of Minneapolis International Airport, Into The Heart Of The Class Bravo Airspace For Vectors For The ILS 10R Into Flying Cloud Airport. SWEET!!!

I just have to stop and thank the lord for being able to fulfill my dreams. Now that I have my company BNVN up and running strong, I’m able to do what I love to do. The funny thing is that storm chasing was always a hobby of mine and flying airplanes was what I went to school for. After the terror attacks of 9/11/2001 I was pretty much screwed since I was just finishing up the last of my college courses that I needed to graduate to move on and start trying to get a flying gig. No just over two and a half years later, I look back and see how life tossed me a little twist and it worked out. My hobby before is now my full time job which I love and what I went to college for is now just a hobby which I love to do when I can. Thank You Jesus, because it really all does work out in the end.