10/31/2005 Doing a lot of promotional public relations stuff for National Geographic Channel this morning then flying to New York City Tonight.
10/30/2005 Getting ready for another trip. This time it is to New York City. On November 1st, the National Geographic Channel will premiere Inside Katrina. It is pretty strange, I’m packing for the trip but when I started packing I was looking for survival gear and had to say to myself, stop, this is just a trip to New York to talk about the hurricane, your not going hurricane chasing.
10/28/2005 Moving all of my data to a new server site. Turns out Backpack Internet in Minneapolis sucks since they bought out SCC.net and will not honor the agreements I had with the old owner of SCC.net to host my server
10/27/2005 Taking much needed time off to catch up on stuff and answer the stack of mail, watch TV and pretty much forget about the weather for a few days.
10/25/2005 10 PM Central – I’m home in Minneapolis and have finished the Hurricane Wilma video and photo blog page. Click on the image to go to the Hurricane Wilma video and photo blog.
10/24/2005 – 11 PM Eastern – I’m alive and just waking up after another major hurricane intercept. We were on Marco Island for the first half of the storm and drove out during the eye. Then Naples for the second half of the storm. I have some awesome footage. I’m editing right now to post to the web. I should have it up by morning. I just slept all afternoon so I’m now up for the rest of the night until my flight leaves at noon.
10/23/2005 10 PM Eastern – Heading to Naples Florida. Check out the webcam to watch live during the chase. I got 2 hours in the last 3 hours and last night I got lots of sleep so I am READY for Hurricane Wilma.
10/23/2005 In Punta Gorda Florida awaiting Hurricane Wilma. Not much to see yet since the storm is still a couple days away. I did go out and shoot some video of the surfers for fun and hang out with friend Brian on beach. I think later tonight will be interesting. Its 530 AM now and I’m off to get some sleep. I wanted to sleep in until this afternoon in case this storm hits during the overnight. If you calling me, please do not call until after 3pm Eastern. Because if you wake me up, I will not be happy!!!!
10/21/2005 EnRoute to Punta Gorda Florida for Hurricane Wilma video blog. Punta Gorda is not the target but since Hurricane Wilma is going so slow, I figured I would get down to Florida a day or two early and visit my friends at the pub then wrap up the end of the Hurricane Charley DVD stuff.
10/18/2005 Getting everything ready for the Hurricane Wilma video blog. Looks like another hurricane intercept in Florida this weekend. At this time it is too early to tell where Wilma will hit or when but I’ll be there when it does.
10/15/2005 Finally relaxing and enjoying some time off when guess what, another tropical storm is brewing. National Hurricane Center just released their forecast for TD 24, to become “Hurricane Wilma” by the end of the week and in striking distance of Florida. Looks like another Hurricane Intercept. What am I going to be for Halloween? I guess a hurricane chaser!!!

10/12/2005 Out shooting rain video for The Weather Channel this afternoon.
10/11/2005 While going out to take care of some stuff, most of the Burnsville police went flying past me. Figured something was up, I found that there was a shooting down the street.
10/08/2005 Out shooting Aurora footage up north. The auroras were nice but remained low on the horizon.
10/5/2005 The Conus deal is done. More info to come.
10/5/2005 Recovering from a 2 day long tropical storm like storm chase in Minneapolis. Sleep is good!!!! Finally getting everything caught up with all the work.
Non Stop Flooding around the south metro
10/04/2005 Water Water Everywhere in Minneapolis tonight. Out shooting a ton of footage for The Weather Channel.
10/1/2005 Out shooting video for The Weather Channel in Minneapolis today. Its 82 outside and feels more like July the October.