4/29/06 I finished the uploading of all the video to the new server for the on line video catalog. Almost 400 videos going on line soon. Lots of work yet to be done but there going live in the next few weeks.
4/28/06 Out shooting video for The Weather Channel.
4/27/06 Out shooting video for The Weather Channel.
4/22/06 Working on the coding and I got the new toy today. I got my new PD-170 Underwater Camera setup. This thing is so cool but when it is fully loaded it weights over 40 Pounds. I guess it won’t blow around in the hurricanes. Now I’m just like a little kid the week before Christmas because I want to go scuba diving in the lakes but their still too cold for anyone that would want to go with me.

4/21/06 Today I’m working on the coding for the new site. Only a few more gigs left to sort out. I want to have everything working by next Thursday night / Friday morning.

4/20/06 Today I was out playing weather channel photographer again. The slow moving low that dumped over 6 feet of snow in parts of South Dakota is moving over the Minneapolis area and is popping up some showers and cold air funnels.
4/19/2006 Took a break this afternoon to play in the scuba diving pool up at Going Under dive shop. Just needed a break from all the work and when I get to go diving, I get away from the cell phone. It was pretty cool to float upside down and just relax in the pool.

4/18/06 While I thought it was going to be a nice day off and it was until 5pm. I was out walking around Lake Nokomis while the computers at home were on auto pilot. I noticed some towers going up off in the distance and turned off the music on my Pocket PC and looked at the radar. Wow, we got storms and we were not suppose to have any today. A little faster walk back to my Jeep and I was back out storm chasing. The storms were not that great but it was still cool to go out and see something very close to home with the gas prices so damn high.
4/16/2006 Happy Easter. Today was pretty mellow. I did start the review on the last of the video catalog from the footage over the winter. I am totally caught up again with all the tapes. I think I wore out my DV Cam Deck with all the tapes I have been reviewing. I did start the walks up that I have been planning to do. Minneapolis is the City of Lakes and now that the weather is nice out all the time, I’m spending more and more time at the lakes to walk around the lakes and just relax. Now if they can just warm up so I can go scuba diving!
4/15/2006 I skipped storm chasing this weekend to stay home and have a normal weekend off. The computers are still running on auto pilot to get ready for the new site. Man, this is just going to be huge.
4/13/2006 While the computers at home were working on autopilot feeding stuff up to my server, I took off to go chasing in Iowa. I got on the storms south east of Waterloo Iowa and got on the southern most cells in the better dew points. The storms really got going at sunset and produced a very large tornado in Iowa City, Iowa. While talking to the news desk, they told me that someone died in this storm. 2006 is off to a very tragic tornado season and it is not even the month of May. Here are some vid caps of the dash camera footage of the Iowa City, Iowa tornado video.

4/12/2006 Busy getting videos ready for the new site. It is all hurry up then wait.
4/10/2006 Out playing weather channel photographer today for the morning show. Wow, we went from winter to summer in Minneapolis in a couple of weeks. This afternoon it was 80F at my home on the south side of town.
4/8/2006 I was at Conus yesterday talking to my agent Chris and he has been sick with the Flu. Well, guess who started coming down with it… Taking the weekend off to rest to fight off the funk.
4/6/2006 Ok still alive. I have been very busy for the last two weeks. Between shooting video for The Weather Channel, storm chasing, and finishing up all the video’s for the site, it has been insane.
Today I was in Kansas and caught the Washington County – Hanover Kansas Tornado. The video is all over the cable news networks tonight and should be all over them tomorrow as well.
After I get some sleep, I will post the video. Just got home and just chased for 24 hours from Minneapolis to Kansas and back to Minneapolis, I need some sleep.
4/2/2006 – Out shooting for TWC this morning.