Ok, just a quick update, still alive but just crazy busy. I’m working on all the stuff for the new project. Getting graphics and research is a huge pain in the ass but it is coming along and I have just a few more graphics projects to put together and I will have everything I need, I hope.
Also I have got the rough outline of the script up done. I need to review the script and the video a few more times and rough it out to the point of story boards. All I can say is this project is really coming along fast but I was hoping to have it further along by now. It is the graphics side of things that is holding it up but it is kind of like building a puzzle, you need all the pieces before you can actually put it together. The script is the picture to use to build the puzzle but it is not a fixed picture.
I can’t go into details just yet but I will say a lot of people in chasing will love the video and hate the project because it is so freaking good. The Hurricane Charley DVD will look like a POS when this project is done.
I will have the rough edit done by this weekend if all goes a planned.
I need to book sound studio time for the voice overs next week. Since the new runway opened up I can’t do the voice overs from home anymore in the temp sound booth I made.