Ok a lot of people in storm chasing have been bitching about SDS or Storm Deprivation Syndrome… Sorry, I don’t have SDS, and far from it. Winter is a time to work on other projects and get stuff in order for the next chase season so you don’t go crazy waiting for the next storm. I have just spent several hundred hours editing video, researching video, researching storm data, researching radar data and working my ass off doing voice overs that after 1500 takes, my voice sounds like shit.
But yet, I still hear people saying look at the GFS, look at the stupid GFS computer model next week.
EXCUSE ME, your trying for forecast a tornado forecast 10 days out when people can’t even get the stupid global warming forecast down after record breaking snow fall and cold in the nation this month, give me a break.
BUT THE GFS… GUESS FORECAST SETUP is what GFS stands for in my forecasting bag of tricks. Unless the storm is 24-48 hours out, it is a crap shoot at best.Because if I could predict the future, I sure as hell would not be scraping by trying to work this gig and would be picking stocks and bonds for a living making real money.BUT THE GFS, AND I WANT TO CHASE…Get freaking real people, it is still the middle of winter.The sun set is still barely after 6:00 at night.The storms hit down south in the area that is mostly swamps and areas that suck for chasing.
This time of year the storms hit mostly during the overnight hours anyway and they are always racing off at light speed.
It is NOT April, it is not even March and at best your not going to see shit.But go ahead, chase, what the hell do I know. I honestly hope this season is as bad as 2005 and 2006 just to weed out more of the fly by night chasers.
Oh and SDS vs SDDS. SDDS, Scuba Dive Deprivation Syndrome, yes I have it.The cure for SDS is review all the chase video you shot last year and the year before and see what you did wrong. After watching hours and hours of video you will say ewwww, I can go without until the real storms show up.