Anyway (we can edit that out in post…) I’m up way the heck too early on a Sunday morning for not going to church.
Actually, I slept late yesterday while taking a nap after shooting the fog video for the weather channel and my sleep schedule is messed up again.
Today, the weather looks kind of messed up, not sure where to start with the forecast but I think I’m going to get a few hours sleep then look at it again around 10am then head out if its not in the land of hills and trees in Wisconsin or SW MN.
So why was I up so late? I finished the script voice over stuff.
It’s DONE!! All 24 pages of the script is done, fact checked, re checked, name checked, double checked and anal probed. Ok, no Cartman Anal Probe but I went to the point of looking a Google maps and zooming in on stuff in New Orleans with the satellite view just to make sure I remembered things correctly.
What is funny is I really don’t remember driving down a couple blocks from Canal and going over to Tulane and then driving over to interstate 10. But when I double checked everything, right down to the name of the business and buildings I was passing, I found some errors.
Nothing major, I was 2 blocks down over but it is major for me since this is now my two plus hour resume tape / DVD project.
But, since the script is done, all the stuff ready for voice overs, it should go pretty smooth now and honestly, I don’t want to chase today since I could nail this thing in a few takes. All 24 pages of it but still I could be done with it and finish up the final edits.
All the video is color corrected so that part is done. I just have to sync up the vo with the video and adjust the audio and then publish the first second drafts for everyone to review and that’s it.
Oh yeah, what else is going on.
Well the jeep is fixed, $2650 worth of repairs. Talk about a total pain in my wallet!!!
Then while on the break down subject, last night sucked balls but I was able to pull out of a tail spin nose dive and walk away from a major computer crash.
Huh? My dell started screwing up. I thought I was screeeewed for the chase today because the backlight in the laptop was not working.
I was in a panic since the chase was on today and now the computer was dead.
I was in a panic and looked on Ebay and what did I find? Someone was selling a motherboard on EBay for the same computer and they said they had additional parts. I emailed them and they got right back to me and within the hour, $300 was now paying for emergency computer parts.
I was pretty pissed that I just had to blow $300 on parts until I got home. He sold me his old laptop, minus the hard drive and power supply and everything worked.
And by everything, I mean everything!!! I replaced the LCD screen and computer monitor board with the parts I bought then just for kicks, replaced the processor with the new one. I was able to upgrade to a P4 Hyper Thread was what loaded on the screen. He sold me a replacement laptop with a 2.8ghz P4 hyper threading processor. My machine is now um yeah, twice as fast as before with the old 2.8 ghz processor.
Not only did I fix the computer, I pretty much replaced and upgraded it into a new high powered machine that I was looking to buy.
Why did he sell it to me for so cheap? Was it hot? Was it a lemon? Nope! He sold it to me because he had the same problem I had with the Dell. The power supply will come loose in the machine and you just have to rip it apart and solder it back together. And his hard drive died so instead of fixing the computer which would have been maybe $100 for the new drive and a few hours of screwing around, he just bought a Mac.
So I take back what I said about the Mac users… I just got the hook up from a Mac user that was sick of his PC. Oh and about the Hyper Threading Processor, it works great with Adobe Pre Pro 2.0
Only too 2 minutes to encode a 4 minute file. I redid the file I edited for TWC and it blew through that like it was downloading email. Granted I hate blowing money these days since its been slow but this was by far the best $300 I have spent in months if not years on a repair.
Oh yeah, for the last time, if your not a BNVN stringer and don’t want to be, don’t call me asking how do I do what I do because you want to sell video to the weather channel too. Idiots! I swear the next person that does that I’m going to record the phone call and post it on line for the whole chaser world to see how stupid you are.