Well, it is 4:30 in the morning and I just got my new beta testing server up and running. This is the new server to get the new website for BNVN back up and running.This has been a real learning process to get up and running. It is the first time I setup a server on my own and have it up and running.
This is going to be my May project since I’m not liking the weather setup and my gut forecast shows that the gas prices are going to go through the roof as the price of footage for news is worthless as people are giving their stuff away just to get their names on TV. I know, it is pretty insane to give footage away when the networks have a ton of money for footage and are laughing their ass off as people give there footage away just to get their name on tv.
So with the hurricane documentary done and out there for people to beta view and let them review it, I’m pretty bored and looking for something to do now that I’m well on my way with the scripting setup on the beta server.
I’m just focusing on the site editing and getting that up and running with the beta server. The beta server is going be the home server before I get the new web server up and running. I’m making the beta server script and automate everything for the new setup. Since all the footage catalogs are already made, I just need to time code the footage then trans code. The trans coding is going to be the automated scripting.
So my job now is press enter for the most part and walk away. Bored bored bored but it needs to be done.