What did I say? Say it is not so… Yes, A good day scuba diving the shit out of a half ass day of storm chasing.
The storm threat was crap today and even worse, it went over to Wisconsin and Wisconsin sucks for storm chasing so, I went diving.
Dove Lac “of vis” Lavon (Lac Lavon Mine Pit) in Burnsville today and it was not that bad, 8-10 feet and the weeds were not in yet at the shore. The water level is down by at least 3 feet but the stocked fish made it worth it.
I had Sunny’s, Crappies, Northerns, Trout and Small Mouth Bass all swimming around me and checking out what was up. I was like having a huge fish take all to myself to play with the fish. For a local dive spot 10 minutes from home, it’s pretty sweet considering it takes me longer to get all my gear ready then it does to drive there. If I get this new gig out east, I’m going to be missing the diving and dive buddies a lot. But I also in talks again with some gigs in Florida and may end up moving there too. I do have the underwater video gig nailed down at the end of June with Brian. Were going to document the Ultimate Getaway and at first it was going to be a big were we were doing a short 3 day gig but now it has turned into a seven day underwater video shoot that now has the Florida Fish and Wildlife doing a survey of the reefs and we will be surveying them and the boat for a documentary about scuba diving.