After spending most of the morning yesterday staking out the plane that turned into a non story so far… I ended up sleeping for most of the evening and into the morning so now I’m back on the normal sleep schedule for a few days. Lets just hope I can keep this up for at least a week.
Well the good news, I might be staying in town after all since a couple of things came together over the weekend. I don’t want to jinx it but its coming together finally.
On another note, since I got up early today, I’m back to working on the stock video collection and editing all the scrap video (stuff I said I would get back to…) while the other computer takes care of the online files. I found this video from 2003 that I totally forgot about and its of some lightning.
After looking at the lightning and slowing it way down, I noticed something. It has a step leader in the video. Here is the before and after frames and if you look at the before frame, it looks like a leader coming up from the ground.
Below the screen caps is the time-lapse footage. Since this is really close to the impact point, I don’t want to call this a ghost image since this is not way off and it only shows a little of the bolt, not the whole thing that goes off to the edge of the frame.