Ok, just getting caught up on everything from the trip. I had a great time working for the UG crew with Brian and getting tons of footage. I have so much new footage that I don’t know where to really start but I have to get this stuff edited down and off to Rick at UG next week.
I did take a look at some of the stuff last night and here are some quick clips and photos. When you see the divers in the water, that is the Florida Fish and Wild Life staff along with the National Park Service laying down survey grids under water.
First off, here is the video. How Not To Bust!!!
Here are some of the photos.

On Loggerhead Key, FL there is a tombstone for the grave of Thomas Lehay from Massachusetts, a seaman that died and was laid to rest on the island.

And yes, one of me being a goof. I lost 2 pounds on this trip, but I lost like 20 in fat with all the diving and working out.