Well, you can’t say I am lazy… I’m almost done with the current project for the new site. Had to do a lot of learning at this end but I figure by the end of July I will have it done.
Once the new site setup is up and running, I’m going to be tossing most of BNVN storm stuff to my guys Dan and Bill to run while I focus on the next project.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still going to be chasing if I see there is something worth chasing but I have a new project that has been sitting in the drydock for several years that Conus has been bugging the shit out of me to get going. It is nothing to special and is pretty hard to do but its pretty simple but a pain in the ass at the same time. It is pretty much researching video and collecting and archive of footage that has nothing to do with the storm chasing or hurricane chasing.
But, since the project involves a lot of work, the pay is going to be pretty decent if I can find what I’m looking for.
Still reviewing all of the dive footage but I did have to pull some more footage I forgot that was on a tape I forgot to dub. It was some footage from the deck cam that had the footage of the sunset of Loggerhead Key as we went past it back to the anchor spot.
So everything is going smooth at this end for the projects. The white board is in overload and I have a ton of notes on the walls on paper.