About an hour ago I was just sitting here working on some stuff when POP, the laptop died.
Dead, would not turn on, no power, nadda, it died and I smelled some smoke.Oh SNAP, the laptop died, but, call me MacGyver because guess who had a spare laptop for parts? ME, YES ME!
When my laptop messed up this spring, I needed a new LCD screen fast and I ended up buying a used laptop for parts for $300 on Ebay from someone that lives in town that night.
Well, I had the rest of the parts for the laptop so I had a spare motherboard and it took me an hour to tear down the laptop, swap parts to see if this was bad or if that was bad and then just do a whole swap and put it back together. What can I say, I’m that freaking good with computers and electronics that I could be on some watch list if I was a idiot.