Ok, I missed a chase today, several parties and probably pissed off a few people thinking I blew them off when I was still Kentucky fried after covering the whole bridge event. Staying up for 36 hours sucks ass and for the lack of a better example, this was like a hurricane chase.
Huh, how was the bridge collapse like a hurricane chase? Well, I was up for most of the day waiting and working on other stuff then all the sudden this story hits. You go into adrenaline overload shooting footage and just in the go go go shoot shoot shoot, edit feed work work work mode. Before you know it, it’s 24 hours later and the last time you ate was 24 hours ago right before the story broke. But your not done yet. Even though your body is screaming at you to get some sleep, you have to keep on working and pushing yourself beyond the breaking point to finish up several more tasks that clients want completed before you can go to sleep. Tapes need to be dubed and fedexed out and you still don’t have time to eat because you have to go to the store to get food but you can’t stop working… It’s like I’m doing the running man…
And when I do finally get to stop and rest, I can’t!!! I just can’t stop and get any sleep because as I lay down, the phone rings with friends calling. But I have to answer since I know some are looking to see if I got the story or worse yet, was there when it happened. As one friend of mine said, “just checking in because we know your dumb luck and thought you might have been down there…”
When I did finally get to sleep, I did not sleep well and woke up around 4am so all day Friday I was still fried. So combine Friday and Thursday, I was up for 3 days with little to no sleep. It really hit me Thursday night when my brother Chuck told me I had my days ass backwards because tomorrow was Friday. Staying up all night into the next, it was still Wednesday in my head but now it was almost Friday. Now can you figure out why everything around me is kind of a crazy mess?
So, today I just relaxed and slept most of the day since yesterday was still pretty crazy. But it was great to get sleep and wake up then go back to bed and rest some more. I just wish I had the new website up and running before all this happened. Now I’m in overdrive this week to get it up and running because CNN was blasting the world with my URL.