Now Price Gouging Here… With the price of gas going up, no wonder some people in higher office don’t care or can’t relate to the major price jumps and “Price Gouging”. With what some Democratic Governors are paying for high price hookers to cheat on their wives, I’m surprised that were not paying $5.00 a gallon.
I shot this photo while filling up for gas by my place. Yes, this is real. The station across the street on County Road 11 and Highway 13 was $3.12 per gallon while I was filling up at $2.97 a gallon.

But I guess it’s okay because the elected officials in the democratic party think raising taxes is the answer to everything while they spend beyond their means and expand government like teenagers in college with their parents credit card. I mean come on, when the left thinks that paying over $4000.00 an hour for a hooker is the going rate when KSTP just did a story about ICE busting a group that was charging $40.00, no wonder the politicians have no clue what the ordinary person on the street is living and doing. They just want to be in power and stay in power.