Ok, back on line after a mad marathon of video editing all the flooding footage into stock video catalogs. Turned eight hours of raw HD into just over three hours of edited down stock video. It took a long time to edit all the footage and it’s been interesting to say the least because one of my computers failed in the middle of all the editing. It was the new Lenovo R500 that died. Well it did not really die, it just started overheating to the point where the processor would reach up to the 80C temp and shut the computer off.
The computer is still under the one year warranty period and I thought I was going to be without a computer for a few weeks at best when I sent it in on Monday for service. To my surprise, I got the laptop back today from Lenovo and after a few encoding tests, it is fixed. The max temp while encoding on both cores was just 59C and everything seems to be working just fine. I will have to give IBM and Lenovo credit for fixing the computer faster then I ever dreamed they could. I remember when I had issues with my older Dell laptop, it took weeks to get things repaired.
So if anyone is wondering about the Lenovo laptops, I can say their repair work is insane fast.
Still working on stuff now for the new website and getting things in order for the spring chase next month if I’m not stuck up in Fargo for the flooding. The new forecasts for the Red River are saying it might flood just as high but then it might not. It will be interesting to see what happens over the next seven days.
I should be getting all the photos from the Red River Valley flooding trip on line in the next few days and then back to working on the other website stuff for BNVN. Lots of stuff to do and little time to work on it while the weather is active.