Neva took me to the Twins Game last night and it was fun but I still don’t like baseball that much. Sorry, I just don’t see the thrill in it just like some people look at storm chasing and say “It’s Just The Weather”.
Well the seats were next to where the pitchers warm up and we were in the front row right next to where they were throwing from mound. I don’t think they liked it when I said “I have stood in faster winds in a hurricane, I want to see at least Cat 3 or faster!” Neva said they heard me from the look she got.

Here is a photo from the game. It was fun but Baseball, it’s just not my thing I guess. I’ll go again because I get to relax and veg a little with Neva but to compare Storm Chasing to Baseball, it’s like sitting out in the middle of a field in Kansas waiting for the cap to break and then it never does, just hour of watching your chase partners goof off.