Ok, just a quick update from the field since it is another high risk chase day. I still have a lot of stuff to put up line from the last week of chasing but I took a couple days off to spend time with Neva and take some much needed down time after tornado insanity. I got stuck on the urban chase and was unable to get close to the storms that hit Hugo MN. I can’t get them all but I will try.
So I’m just heading for Worthington MN and then to Sioux City Iowa and then reposition from there. Looks like one hell of a chase day setting up. I actually got a call from Bill Doms this morning and he left me a message saying he was heading out to chase. When I got the message 2 hours later I saw the SPC forecast and almost had a heart attack trying to get all my gear together fast and get out the door.
Here is what SPC has forecasted for today.