Oh you just got to love some of the a-holes out their during the political season. The party that is suppose to unite is the party that is behind the mortgage melt down and is in my opinion, almost so left their between Nazi and Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. That’s right, your everyday Tax and take YOUR MONEY to buy votes, I mean help those in need because you don’t need the money right?
The same people that love to fund ACORN or what is now being called RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations). ACORN, I mean RICO, who also tied to OBAMA in Chicago, is the same group trying to help steal the election with all the bogus voter drives. Oh wait, they would never do that, because their for OMAMA and he is a going to UNITE the country…
Yeah, this is what you get when you deal with that party that is suppose to UNITE… These signs are on Interstate 94 near mile marker 182.

So this is how the left wing nut political party attacks the political free speech? Whoever did this must have seen one too many Michael Moore or Oliver Stone movies.
Now get this crap, yes CRAP, that is going on. This is why I think the rest of us that are working our ass off to try and make it should take a few days off and back lash on the left wing liberal nut jobs out their to GET A FUCKING CLUE AND JOB! Were not saying anything because were too fucking busy working our ass off to pay the high taxes to fund some lazy fuck or deal with people like the POLITICAL SHIT FOR BRAINS!
A St. Cloud man was ticketed Wednesday after he admitted to police he had been placing dog feces in the back of a neighbor’s truck because it sported stickers supporting the McCain-Palin presidential ticket, Sgt. Jerry Edblad said.
David Vandelinden, 45, received a $183 ticket on suspicion of littering and illegal dumping.
Donald Esmay, 19, who lives on the 2300 block of 27th Street South, told police he had been finding dog feces in small blue baggies in the back of his pickup for the past two weeks. On Wednesday, Esmay’s mother told police she saw Vandelinden putting the feces in the truck.
Ahhh Yes, the party that is suppose to unite. The party that is suppose to be eco friendly. The party that is suppose to be for clean living. The party that is for coming together and talking to the other side.
I so hope that all rumors about all the people lying about voting for Obama because they don’t want to deal with CRAP from people that are really for him are true and when we go to vote in a few weeks it will be a landslide for McCain and a SHIT STORM for the left wing radical fuck nuts. If Obama wins a second term, WTF is next, a President Trump? With the way this country swings from right to left and then back to the right, it could happen.