Just a quick update while I’m wrapping things up before I head home. In LA for business and everything was hella cool. I’ll be home tomorrow and have a lot of stuff to update everyone with but it’s pretty cool. I got to hang out with the Storm Bruiser, Bill Reid yesterday and had lunch and he showed me some of the sights out there on the west side of town that were burned by the recent wild fires and how the area is pron to the wild fires with the layout of everything. I also got lots of cool photos overlooking the ocean and made it down to the beach for a few minutes so yes Neva, I made it too the beach .
It was great to meet all the people working on the show and seeing how things are coming along. I can’t say much except for it is that show that all the people bitch about in storm chasing saying they wish someone would make about storm chasing.
It was also pretty funny meeting all the editors and producers because I was having a Truman Show like moments where they have seen hundreds of hours of footage of me and seems like they know me. It was pretty shocking but I’m glad I stopped by to say hi to everyone. It gave me a real eye opener to what life will be like in a few months when the show hits.
Well, I need to get going so I will update more tomorrow when I get back home. Oh yeah, just looked at the forecast it looks like it will be in the 30s when I get home which is going to be a shock because I have been in Lizard Weather for past few days.