Say Hello To Gustav

After losing our old cat “Lucky” aka Psycho Cat, Brat Cat, Spawn of… we adopted this new Kitty. Say Hello to Gustav as in Hurricane Gustav. I picked the name for two reason’s, he was born right around the same time Hurricane Gustav was born and I could not think of a name and I was busy working on some Gustav production stuff this week so I thought what the hell, Gustav is perfect. Gustav aka Goofy since this little guy likes to play and play and play. Eat, Sleep, Play and then do it all over again.
Gustav is more like a Parrot since he likes to climb up and sit on my shoulder while I’m working and just chill out and even fall asleep there.

In other news, been hella busy working on stuff here behind the scenes and even got a storm chase in this week. Saw some cool stuff for a November storm chase in South Dakota and SW Minnesota and will post some of those photos when I get some time tomorrow.