Ok, for the record, the global warming thing is a farking scam in my opinion. Yes we should be clean and not pollute the water and air but we are already doing all that so shut the hell up with the global warming stuff because it is hella cold outside. Besides, nobody is talking about the massive Pacific Garbage Patch. Clean up the oceans!!!
Yesterday I went out to take some photos of the frost on the trees along the river and was given a rude awakening because my coffee turned to ice in a couple of minutes because it was -24F outside.

The frost was pretty cool but I need to use a macro lens to do the shots that I want to get.

So with the hella cold temps, we get pipes bursting and what could be worse then a water main bursting?
Yes, today Neva called me as soon as she went to work and told me that the alley was flooding? I thought she was crazy because it’s freaking cold outside but no, the alley was flooding with a busted eight inch water main that was just starting to break the surface. This was not a hard thing to film since it happened right down the alley from our house.
So I stopped what I was working on and started to take some photos and video. Ok, so we got a busted water main, that would be kind of cool to film but it was right down the alley from our back door and now the flooding is going down the alley towards our home. This did not shoot way up into the air like I was expecting but it just bubbled up and flooded out the whole alley.
Since the city did not come by and dump a bunch of salt and sand down and plow out the alley to remove the mess, and Neva came home and got stuck in the alley and made my head ache 100 times worse, I said screw it and bought 430 pounds of salt from Sams Club.
Here is 430 pounds of salt that was dumped in the alley after I used the snow blower to get rid of a lot of the melted slush that was in the alley.
That’s 430 POUNDS of salt. Seven 50 Pound Bags and Two 40 Pound bags of the water softener salt that will work this time…
Now yesterday, I also posted on my Myspace blog about this cold weather but on my personal blog, I could not get the link to work so I’m posting the text link to this video. This is the Minnesota For Global Warming song.
Where the hell is My Global Warming?
If we had some Global Warming, I would not have to dump a quarter ton of salt in the alley.