This is some of the footage I shot after talking with the local EOC office in Clay County. I shot a package for TWC and was going to wrap up the shoot when I went to go explore the area around the Moorhead Country Club when I saw some people running down a street. They said that their neighborhood watch was seeing some water starting to come through the levee.
By the time I got to the location which is IN the golf course, there was at least five levee failure points with one of them looking like Minnehaha Creek in the summer time when the water is low.
After shooting a few minutes of footage, I had to hike about 100 yards back through the deep snow to get back to my truck and then went and talked to the nearest cop and National Guard check point that was being setup (after I got in the location) and showed them the footage. I was asked to go back to the EOC office where I showed the Guard Commander and FEMA and some other gov folks the footage. They had a look of Oh Crap on their faces.