Very VERY busy night at the news desk for BNVN

I thought I was going to have an easy day getting stuff caught up on the website today but that was a major FAIL.  I was suckered into going out and ended up in SW MN and ended up too far to the west so I got a tan when the tornadoes were hitting Austin, MN and another one in my first target area up west of Alexandria MN.  Oh well, can’t get them all but wait, I can’t but BNVN can…

Today was insane for the news desk.  We had a ton of video come in.

6/17/2009 Aurora, NE Tornado Video.
6/17/2009 Aurora, NE Violent Tornado Video Part 2 of 2
6/17/2009 Aurora, NE Tornado Outbreak Part 1 of 2

Yeah, it’s been a pretty busy day working on a ton of content.  Now it’s time to get cleaned up and rest and go and do it all over again tomorrow, er, I mean today.

SPC graphic for today 6/18/2009