You can’t hide behind a blog anymore.

I just received a newsletter from Legal Zoom and in it they have an interesting story about bloggers and some of the B.S. that some posted on the net.

Bloggers Busted By Courts

Click  Here to read the full story.  Below is the best part since the storm chasing community has a lot of jealous scumbags in it.  

Blogger Unmasked in Model Case 

“In August 2009, we saw the case of Liskula Cohen, a 37-year-old model who found herself being called “skank” and “ho,” among other derogatory descriptions, in anonymous blog posts. Cohen decided to sue the blogger for defamation, but before she could do so, she needed to know who to sue. So her attorneys filed a motion to compel Google, operator of the site that housed the blog in question, to reveal the identity of the blog author.

The New York Supreme Court found that Cohen had indeed “established the merits” of a defamation action in that the statements on the blog contained assertions of objective fact, in particular suggesting Cohen was sexually promiscuous, that could form the basis of a defamation claim. “

Wow, that’s great news since there have been some bogus blogs about a few storm chasers and some of which even attacked my girlfriend and me a year ago. 

So it look’s like Google and the rest of the blog-o-sphere will be changing the wild west of the internet and those hiding under rocks and behind fake names will soon be forced into the light.

The new rule of the internet is if you would not say it to someone face to face, you better not post it on line or they will still be able to find out what you said and then your going to look pretty stupid getting sued for acting like a 10 year old.