For all of the first time visitors to my personal website that have come here from seeing the show Tornado Road marathon on The Weather Channel today, thank you for visiting and I suppose you have a few questions. Feel free to email me your questions about the show.
If your just here to send me an email saying YOU SUCK, or you hate me on TV, well before you do that, just remember, I did not pick who I got to chase with on that show, the production company did.
Also I did not edit the show and I did not produce the show. I’ll be happy to give you the producers phone number and email address to tell him he sucks if you really hate the show but I’m just some dude that was stuck with someone I could not stand for a month.
If you liked the storm chasing and the hurricane chasing you saw on TV and want to see more of the insane footage, you should check out the YouTube video that Chris and I put together.