Busy past week.

Hey everyone, it has been a busy past week for me running BNVN.  While I have not been out chasing and don’t think I have drove my Jeep more then 15 miles in the last 2 weeks, I have been working on another new website to launch this week along with working on a lot of stuff behind the scenes for this site and for BNVN.com.

We (the BNVN crew) hsa been very busy with chasing and I have been very busy stuck in the office, which is a good thing, no a great thing, considering last month was deader then DEAD.  Sorry I have not posted a lot of the BNVN stuff on my personal blog but I have been trying to get the BNVN site to take over all of the stuff for BNVN.  You can check out all the new videos at www.bnvn.com and you can also follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/stormchasingvid

I have about a weeks worth of work to do on the new chasing site and then I’m going to launch it.  Lots of stuff to encode and links to verify. 

I’m also going to start working on this site soon and get the photo gallery and stock photo pages up to date and on line.

Well, it is 4:15 in the morning and I need to get some sleep.
