6/17/2010 Storm chase in Pine County, MN

Just getting caught up after an insane couple of days.

Just the short version here.  Been working on http://www.BNVN.com stuff and working behind the scenes to finally update this site.    Thursday I had plans in St. Paul from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and these plans could not be changed and were setup weeks ago.

Once I was finished I was able to get out to chase and ended up heading out west of the metro area and followed the line of storms up north from the Howard Lake, MN area up to Monticello and ended up in Pine County, MN where the tree’s made it impossible to chase.  I swore that as soon as I got to the St. Croix River, I would stop since I was not going to try and chase into Wisconsin.

I did end up shooting footage and here is the video:

6/17/2010 Pine City MN Tornado Damage Video

Pine County, MN which is south of the city of Duluth, MN, a violent tornado hit the area just east of Pine City, MN along the Minnesota and Wisconsin boarder. The tornado injured several people and destroyed one home and damaged another along Highway 70.