Take a break for the night
Ok 10 hours of reviewing content is my limit even when it comes to reviewing this page. Ok so it’s not THIS page but it is the new version of the Weather Paparazzi website that I have hosted on an old account that nobody knows about for the time being under an obscure domain name.
What I have to do and what I’ll be doing for the next week, in between snow storms, is reviewing the old blogs to update video links and photo gallery stuff.
When the new site comes on line, all the old WMV files on this site will be gone and everything will be hosted on YouTube and SmugMug.
Speaking of YouTube, I uploaded my 1500th video today. It’s a video that I didn’t even make into a stock video catalog and was hidden away on the website in the June 2005 blogs.
I was coming home from a chase bust when I was almost run off the road by a drunk driver. I followed the car until the State Patrol could meet up with me to keep following the driver and pull them over.
Oh and the new site CMS setup will have the YouTube Embed feature so no more links like above but actual embed video.