Wow, another post saying I’m working on the site stuff… Ok, I know it sounds like a broken record or for those of you of the digital age, a scratched CD… Seriously I’m going back over all of my old chase photos and video and actually filling in the gaps to the chase blogs for stuff I never posted before.
Right now I’m up to August of 2006 and I noticed something strange and that was the fact that I did not shoot one news video or stock video package for that whole month. I was busy working on the Current TV project for most of that month and did not do anything else. I still thought it was strange that I did not shoot at least one news video.
Well, back to the site. If you want to see some of the blog videos that I have been posting, check out the youtube channel,
My goal is to get the site done so I can transfer stuff to a new server by the first week of the new year before I get nailed with about $500 and webhosting and server renew charges.