What the heck have I been up to for the last month.

Wow, it has been almost a month since I updated the blog on 3/11/2011 which was the date of the 9.0 earthquake and Tsunami that Japan.  

Since that date I have been pretty busy with stock footage from my friend Brian Barnes who was in Otsuchi Japan when the earthquake hit.  The footage is pretty insane.

The footage shows the before, during and after that makes even my Hurricane Katrina footage look like a walk in the park. 

So on top of helping Brian out and working with the production companies, I have also been focusing on BNVN and the news footage for the rest of the crews footage for the upcoming storm chasing season.  We have had a lot of great footage come in over the last month so I have been pretty busy working from home for the most part. 

I did make it down to the Iowa NWA conference in Des Moines last weekend and was not feeling well but I thought it was just the normal spring allergies and that getting out of the house for a few days would help.  Nope, that was not the case and to make a long story short, the annoying cough that I had for the last month or two that I thought was just from having the house sealed up tight for winter and the dust and dander from Gustav, nope, that was not it.  I asked my friend and now doctor, Beth if I could have Walking Pneumonia and she told me in so many direct ways to go into a urgent care and get checked. 

Well I did stop into the urgent care clinic on the way home and after a few short minutes at a Urgent Care clinic I was given a prescription for antibiotics for Walking Pneumonia.  The crazy part was that I never had a fever and never showed any real signs of being sick other than hacking my lungs up all the time for the last few months.  Yeah, that was not fun but I can say after 5 days of taking the antibiotics, wow, I have not felt this great in months.

Going forward, April is now here and it is looking like an active weather pattern is setting up.  Unfortunately, it also looks as if fuel prices are going to be over $4.00 a gallon for gas so I’m not sure how much chasing I will be doing versus running BNVN from home and only focusing on local chases along with a 10 day chase trip with friends in late May.  There are just so many variables to what the future holds but unlike last year, I’m not making ANY plans for anything other than chasing or scuba diving until the end of August.  Last year every time I was scheduled to do something, I missed major storm chasing days.