OK, yes I know I have been slow to get my personal page updated but I have been on the go for the last three weeks with moving the office space out of the home, chasing the hurricanes and now the aurora video from this past weekend.
It has taken a lot out of me mentally and add in just trying to keep up with the day to day stuff life tosses at you it will wear you out.
This week I plan on getting all the still photos from Hurricane Irene up on the site along with all the video links as well as starting to chip away at the mountain of video I need to get edited and on line for stock footage.
It sounds like a lot of work but it is just a mater of organization on my part to get everything in order and then edited. Then hope that nothing is happening weather wise that will allow me to have extra time to get the work done.
Speaking of Weather Wise, one of my Aurora photographs from this spring took third place in the 2011 Weather Wise magazine photo contest. I never enter anything into photography contests so this was a fun surprise for me to learn that I placed in the contest.

Speaking of Auroras, yes I was chasing the Northern Lights this past weekend. I did shoot a couple of videos of the event.
Here is my HD Time Lapse Aurora Borealis video.
Well, it is late and I need to get some sleep before getting up early to work on more stuff in the morning to get caught up. I hope to have a lot of updates on the personal site in the next few days.