Just getting ready to wrap up for the night and get some much needed sleep. Neva and I were heading out before 10:00 pm to our secret spot to go and wait for the Northern Lights when several police cars were heading in the other direction really REALLY fast. And then more squad cars and even more squad cars, so we knew something was happening.
Turns out the first set of cars were chasing after a pickup truck that was fleeing and out of nowhere, at least a dozen more police and state troopers were on the scene.
About ten miles further south on Highway 10 near Clear Lake, the chase ended with one Chevy pickup truck totaled and one damaged Minnesota State Trooper car.
So after that entertainment for the evening, our friend Dirk called us from Wisconsin and said that the Auroras were still pretty faint but he thought they might fire up later. After a quick look at the data, we got back on the road and headed to the super secret location. After about an hour, the Auroras came alive for a few minutes and then died back down. Just long enough for us to get a few photos.