ahhhh, back from a dive trip and got some much needed rest and relaxation on a working vacation in Florida. So how does a working trip equal a vacation? Simple, 100 miles out in the middle of the gulf shooting HD video of the Coral Reefs with no cell phone or internet or anyone bugging me for a few days and I get to dive, yeah, it was a tough gig… I’m still logging the video but here are a couple of still photos from the trip.

So, I have not just been slacking off and scuba diving, I have been working like crazy on stuff behind the scenes for the StormChasingVideo.com site upgrade with all the new stock video files.
I have also been busy with going out and documenting the severe storms and even the latest round of solar storms that have been happening. This morning, I was able to get this rare event on the Northeast side of Saint Cloud, MN where the sun was coming up and giving me an orange glow on the horizon while I was trying to get some photos of the planets rising. I used my 10mm wide lens and the Auroras spiked for a couple minutes in the predawn glow with Jupiter and Venus rising in the eastern sky.

Earlier this week, the Northern Lights were more active here in Central Minnesota and I was able to get another sweet time-lapse video of them dancing across the sky on the morning of July 9th.
The auroras have not been the only story for me as the storms put on a cool looking lightning show over Minneapolis last weekend where I was able to shoot some video of the lightning over Lake Calhoun.
Well I better get back to work on the boring side of my job. I have a bunch of paperwork and databases to review for the coming upgrades but it is all part of this fun gig I call chasing for a living.