Hey folks,
Yes I know that I have been missing on line on my personal website for month’s but the webpage update that I have been talking about for what seems like year’s, is finally finished.
I have finally completed the update and upgrade to the StormChasingVideo.com webpage. Now we have just under two thousand stock footage catalogs on line and no more worrying about clients dealing with FLV format issues.
I won’t bore you with the details about what it took to get this update finally finished after a couple of years, but the bottom line is now I’m free to get back out in the field to chase storms next spring.
But that is not the best part about the whole update and upgrade. The part that I’m so proud of is that I never have to send out a demo video ever again to anyone because everything is on line. That is right, on top of the major move of the couple thousand video catalogs that I had to review, encode and upload to Youtube, I also placed all the time-coded master uploads on line for clients to download. This makes it possible that if a client see’s a video on StormChasingVideo.com that they might want for their production, they can download the time coded and water marked high quality screener to put into their editor to work on as soon as they download it.
With so many video catalogs for clients to pick from and having everything on line so they can get a demo screener, my dream of having a one stop shop of high quality video is now a reality at http://www.StormChasingVideo.com
What is next? Next for me is to get caught up with paperwork and get back out into the field to shoot some more great footage and also spend time with the newer crews to get out and train them in person with new ideas.
Also we are upgrading our streaming service for next years storm chasing. Yes, the rumor’s are true, we have HD Streaming if we need to do HD Streaming just like a virtual satellite truck.
It feel’s good to be caught up with the work. Now I just need to get back to working on this site with new images and updates.
Below are a few of the new images of the Auroras that I shot a few weeks ago.