Tonight was one of those weather setups that was just relaxing drive in the country and filled with vivid cloud to cloud lightning in the sky making for a peaceful end to a somewhat stressful day.
I drove down highway 15 from home towards Hutchinson, MN which is about an hour south of the house (and more then 20 miles). It was good to get out and just watch the slow moving storm that was all cloud to cloud lightning. I’m not sure why some storms are like this one where I did not see any cloud to ground lightning strikes but I am not complaining ether since it was a little more safer in my mind but in reality, it was still pretty sketchy standing out under lightning flashing in the sky.
I was sitting back watching the lightning and just taking it all in when I realized, maybe I should also setup my still camera. Below are the two shots from tonight that I like the best.
In the first photograph, the lightning reminds me of some of my very early work from 1995 where the structure looks kind of like a a web. Wow, thinking back to that photography from 1995 just kind of made me take a step back and realize that I have been doing this photography and video thing longer then some of the other people getting into chasing, longer then some have been alive. And those days back in the 90s seem like yesterday.

Below is my favorite from today. It only caught half of the lightning that filled the sky but it was close enough to fill the camera with a lot of detail within the cloud to cloud lightning.

Well, it is late and I should get to bed before the sun rises so Neva and I can get the permits for the city compost since we did a lot of yard work this weekend and now the last of the clean up must be done so the yard looks great.
On another note, I really like moving all the blog stuff off of the social media and back to my corner of the interweb stuff. This week I hope that Neva and I can finally pick a date and place for a nice small wedding sometime later this year. As my mom said to use a few weeks ago, “Hurry Up, I’m not getting any younger”.