Today was one of those fun local chases where knowledge and skill was what was needed to navigate the rush hour traffic and road construction to anticipate where to be for the best or worst of the storm, depending on your perspective. I pretty much played the north metro from Elk River / Anoka to Maple Grove and Plymouth. I think there will be a lot of hail sales for cars in the next few weeks as a lot of people got stuck in the core on 494 in the north bound construction from 394 to the 94 split on the north side. For the most part the hail was 3/4″ to Golf Ball sized with a few larger stones thrown in the mix to scare you when you hear the heavy THUD as it hits the roof of the truck. I did have one problem today in the hail which is the GoPro stopped recording and then started back up, all on its own in the hail storm. My guess is hail hit the start / stop button on the top of the camera and it shut off then turned back on after hail hit it again.
Oh and for the idiot that can’t tell a “Lifted Jeep Grand Cherokee” with oversized tires from a Ford Escape, here you go.

Get your eyes checked! I don’t park in the lanes of traffic like that, EVER on primary roads and how the hell was I in front of you when I was over 2 miles east looking back west at the storm what looked more like a micro burst then what was reported as a tornado.