Southern Minnesota Blizzard on Interstate 35 – 2/2/2016

Southern Minnesota Blizzard on Interstate 35 – 2/2/2016

A blizzard is impacting southern Minnesota and the Interstate 35 Corridor with white out conditions and dangerous travel conditions.

Clip 1 Albert Lea I35 sign in the blizzard

Clip 2 SUV stuck in the ditch

Clip 3 White out conditions as winds gust at Interstate 35 and Interstate 90 in where Interstate 90 is shut down.

Clip 4 Sign warning of blizzard conditions.

Clip 5 White out POV with SOT

Clip 6 – 10 Snow plows

Clip 11 Man walking with a state trooper and slips and almost falls.

Clip 12 – 13 Jack Knifed Semi in the ditch

Clip 14 State Trooper

Clip 15 – 17 Shots of the Semi in the ditch and being pulled out.

Clip 18 Blizzard conditions and a tow truck just north of Albert Lea MN

Clip 19 – 20 POV Driving in white out conditions

Clip1 21 Semi truck in the center ditch

Clip 22 POV passing wrecker pulling someone out of the center ditch.