Happy New Year and happy new chase season.
Here is an image from yesterdays chase of the winter storm system on the west side of Stearns County, MN.

Yesterday was pretty active for weather here in Minnesota that started almost as soon as the day began at midnight.
The first video I shot was this one where MNDot crews attacked this snow system with a vengeance and were on this like they were schooling the rest of the country with how to clean up the snow.
Freezing Rain & Heavy Snow cause slick roads in Saint Cloud, MN – 12/31/2018 https://youtu.be/eIADApbLrNU
Later on New Years Eve, I did not feel like driving to the South Dakota boarder for the really extreme conditions since it was New Years Eve and I knew most of the media was shut down and I did not want to get suck out in the middle of nowhere BFE on New Years and not be home with the family.
So I opted to stay somewhat local and got another Unicorn or Great White Buffalo on video which is a tow truck in a wreck or stuck or a snow plow crashed. I call them that since they are so rare up here. I know down south it happens a lot but I would like to think that the plow drivers and tow truck drivers in Minnesota have a little more experience and skill in the winter weather then their counter parts down south.
Sauk Centre, MN Crashes, High Winds And Blowing Snow – 12/31/2018
As I promised, in 2019 I will be more focused on posting and updating this page then ever before since I’m pretty much sick of the time I have wasted on the social media sites like Facebook that are nothing more then people bitching about political crap.
So over the next few days and weeks I will be migrating my old blog over here to the new platform if you are seeing this here on the temp WeatherPaparazzi.net page. If you are seeing this on the Weatherpaparazzi.com page, well that means everything worked.