What is a chase?

I have been looking over the net tonight at a lot of different video and still images of the recent ice storms in the Midwest, south and out in the Pacific NW. There is some cool stuff but I have to laugh at people that say they chased the ice storm when all they did was go out after the storm and document the aftermath.

Checking out aftermath is not a chase people. If you were there when the tree fell from the ice or the car crashed from the ice while the ice was forming, and you forecasted the storm a day before and drove to where the storm was going to hit, okay, then you chased.

What is a chase? You leave before the storm or during the storm to go more then few miles from home to watch active weather as it is happening or if you have a deck and a view like mine, you can forecast the chase to stay home and watch lightning. 
The only exception is, if your home area is getting hit then you did not chase because you were already there so “you documented” the weather and did a home chase.
Once again, YOU CHASE WEATHER, you don’t chase aftermath. Aftermath is no different then rubber necking while passing a car crash in rush hour traffic. It already happened and your just checking out the wreck.

In other news, the latest video project is now completed. This is going to change a lot of how everything is done in the digital age.