7/9/2004 Home In Minneapolis, MN after making the fast trip to Cherry County Nebraska to storm chase. It was great to get out into the mix of the storms again after way too long of boring cold weather here at home in Minneapolis.

You know your in the middle of nowhere when you get NO cell phone coverage in the middle of South Central South Dakota in the middle of an Indian Reservation.

Lightning striking in front of me as I try to avoid the core as it passed over Southern and Central Cherry county. Drove to Hyannis Nebraska in Grant County and got caught some wicked winds that rocked the truck but lucky I was a few minutes late because this just blew into the road right before I showed up.

Drove back north into Cherry County just south of Valentine Nebraska and this Semi Truck was blown over by Hurricane Force Winds. When I got out got film this, the winds were blowing me around. It was hard to get out of my truck and hard to stand up.

7/8/2004 In Route To Nebraska To Chase Some Tornadoes