1/31/2005 Back in Minneapolis and shooting some snow video for the morning show for The Weather Channel. It’s St. Paul Winter Carnival Time! I love the St. Paul Winter Carnival!!!!!!
1/29/2005 Back in Florida
1/25/2005 Out shooting way above normal temps video for The Weather Channel.
1/22/2005 Out shooting video for the Weather Channel morning show.
1/20/2005 Out shooting video for the Weather Channel evening show. Snow and stuff.

1/17/2005 Back from Florida and its cold in Minneapolis. I was out trying shoot some northern lights but it was not happening early this morning. It was cold out. The photo below is me in the cold with a image of the temp outside. 29F Below Zero!!!!!
1/16/2005 Out shooting video for The Weather Channel this evening for the evening show.
1/15/2005 Doing P.R. in Fort Pierce for the Septembers Fury DVD.
1/14/2005 Doing some media and public relations stuff for Septembers Fury. We were featured on NBC 5 WPTV in West Palm Beach Florida.
1/13/2005 En Route to Florida today for a weekend media and public relations tour for the new hurricane DVD, September’s Fury.
September’s Fury has some of the best Hurricane Video from Hurricane Frances, Hurricane Ivan, and Hurricane Jeanne.
I will be in Punta Gorda Today to promote the video at the Celtic Ray. Tomorrow and Saturday we will be in Fort Pierce Florida to promote the DVD. The best part about this trip is the weather. In Florida its going to be in the 70s and 80s while in Minneapolis, its going to be -30. That’s Negative 30 outside air temp. Brrrrrr.
1/12/2005 Shooting snow video for The Weather Channel early this morning.
1/11/2005 Shooting video for The Weather Channel this afternoon of the cold and snow.
1/10/2005 Out shooting video for The Weather Channel this afternoon. Shot some sweet footage of airplanes being deiced.
1/05/2005 On Vacation

1/01/2005 Out shooting video of yet another Ice Storm in the Minneapolis MN area for The Weather Channel. Did some car crash aftermath video and then downtown to do some videography outside of Target Center of all the sleet and ice as people headed into for the Timberwolves game.