2/28/2005 Working on the Lightning Video Page. Had to take a break to finish the server switch. I am now operational on my very own high powered computer server backed up by high speed fiber optic lines.
2/27/2005 Out shooting video for The Weather Channel this morning. I did finish up the Hurricane Charley Video and Photography Page. The Northern Lights or Aurora Photography Page Is Back Up. Hurricane Frances Video and Photography Is Back Up. Hurricane Ivan Video And Photography Is Back Up. Hurricane Jeanne Video And Photography Is Back Up.
2/26/2005 Busy moving servers and stuff. You may have noticed a Redirect page. Right now everything is hosted on Lightningboy.net while we move some equipment around. The About Me Page Is Now Back On Line Daylight Lightning Photography Page Is Up All of the Northern Lights Video is now online and ready
2/25/2005 Working on the massive webpage update. I now own a new high powered computer server that is hooked up to an OC3 line for BNVN (mega bandwidth). I’m rebuilding the site from scratch to make it a lot cleaner and organized. Links Pages Are Now Working How Too Photograph Lightning Pages Now Working The Blogs are working for the past 15 months but I’m still working on the photo gallery pages and video pages. I did put up two temp lightning stock photography pages that have a bunch of images in them. Its pretty strange, my past work that I thought was pretty good, is giving me so many idea’s now with the new digital cameras. Before I was limited by the low rez scans and lack of funds but now, I’m just thinking up so many different new tricks to try, its not even funny.
2/24/2005 In Minneapolis Today. Working on a “Major Webpage Update” for the next few days. The links on the left will not work until the pages are updated. I deleted everything and rebuilding the site from the ground up over the next few days before I take off on a storm chase trip to the Cap Rock.
2/21/2005 Back in Minneapolis and working on the webpage update.
2/20/2005 In Punta Gorda Florida At The Celtic Ray Pub. The Party was great and it was a blast to get to hang out with a lot of the people that live in town and getting to hear some of the different hurricane stories. The number one thing I heard was “The Video Showed What We Missed While Hiding Under The Bed Or In The Bathroom.”
Here are some of the images from the party at the Celtic Ray Pub.

2/19/2005 Guess Where? Yes, in Florida, again… This weekend is the Celtic Ray 8th Anniversary party, 6th Month After Charley Party, and the Hurricane Charley Directors Cut DVD Release! Two Hours Of Footage Is On The Directors Cut.
2/18/2005 Chasing Strange Lights In The Sky, Aurora’s Over Minnesota just north of Minneapolis.

I also posted a video of the event up on my YouTube account.
2/14/2005 Home from the film festival and working on web updates and biz stuff in Minneapolis.
2/13/2005 Our film “Hurricane Charley” is on the big screen tonight at the AMC Theater at the Cocco Walk tonight in Miami.
2/12/2005 In Miami and working on major web page update while killing time this weekend.

2/10/2005 In Miami For The Film Festival! Our Hurricane Charley Video Is In The Miami International Ind. Film And Music Festival. www.nyfilmvideo.com
2/6/2005 Well, the warm temps could not last, I was in Owatonna Minnesota today shooting video for The Weather Channel and the local ABC station, KSTP picked it up as well.
2/5/2005 Shooting some warm morning temps video for The Weather Channel.
2/4/2005 Really loving this 50 degree temps in Minneapolis.