5/31/2005 In Mason City Iowa Today. Drove to Mason City to take care of some business related stuff.
5/30/2005 Last night I was heading out to try and shoot some Aurora Video when I was heading out west from my place in Burnsville on Highway 13, a ton of Police and Fire crews flew past me into the Minnesota River area by Cargil.
After calling the news room to see if they knew what was up, I found I was the first one on the scene with a 20 Minute head start on all the news crews so I blew off the Aurora chase and focused on the major developing story that turned out to be 3 dead in a boat crash on the MN River.
5/29/2005 Working on stuff at home
5/28/2005 Working on stuff at home and relaxing
5/27/2005 Yesterday I was out chasing for KSTP, nothing much but some small hail in Webster MN.
5/26/2005 Yesterday WTSP in Tampa Bay Florida featured the BNVN crew for their upcoming hurricane special.
5/25/2005 Out shooting rain video this afternoon and hitting the gym.
5/24/2005 Working on the live video feeds still. Andy and I came up with something pretty sweet that were testing out. Also back on my old workout schedule. I figure if the weather is pretty mellow around the Midwest, I need to get back to the gym.
5/23/2005 Working on the new live video feeds from my truck.
5/22/2005 Out shooting windy video today in Minneapolis.
5/21/2005 I will be out shooting video this morning for The Weather Channel this morning. Not sure where yet, but I’m booked up for the morning show.
5/20/2005 Relaxing at home today. I worked for a while today to get the new live video from the truck up and running. I’m testing it out right now.
5/19/2005 Relaxing at home today.
5/18/2005 Out Storm Chasing today for KSTP with Andy. We covered different parts of Western MN. I was on the southern storms while Andy was on the northern storms. He got the tornado while I was in the hail.
5/17/2005 More Rain!!! Out shooting video today for The Weather Channel today.
5/16/2005 Another Aurora Alert! In the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge right now. I just took this picture over one of the lakes of the Auroras that are active again tonight. Just waiting for the moon to drop then the real show will begin.
5/15/2005 In Western MN Watching The Aurora Outbreak. Go to www.bnvn.com to see the video of this event.
5/15/2005 This evening I went back down to Henderson MN to check out the high water and found that the flooding has just started as the river has reached the top of the banks on the west side of the river. But also the real story was the log jam. The up stream section of the bridge is becoming jammed up with drift wood flowing down the river.
5/14/2005 I was out shooting video for The Weather Channel this afternoon of cold rain in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area.

And then I went out to scout out some locations for some possible flooding later this week along the Minnesota River since with all the rain we have had it has caused the river to rise. The river was a lot higher then I thought it was going to be so I shot a package for KSTP’s 10PM show.
5/13/2005 Taking the day off to relax as I see the next few days are going to be busy.
5/12/2005 Today I shot some video for The Weather Channel in the morning and then Andy and I had to do some P.R. stuff for KSTP for an interview about what we do for their shows tonight.
5/11/2005 On my way back home to Minneapolis today. The Kansas option is a bust and I think sticking close to Minneapolis is a better play for the next few weeks.
5/10/2005 Went storm chasing today, over shot the target on some advice and forecast info that showed the storms would fire north of Omaha. I did manage to catch up to the storm in Iowa but not much to see except for a lot of rain and hail after dark.

I then decided to go to Des Moines to shoot some very heavy rain video for The Weather Channel. I’m sure glad I did because it was like being back in the Hurricanes with the high winds and rain. I setup around the capital and in the downtown area of Des Moines for this video. Tomorrow I will be in Kansas from the looks of forecast data now.
5/9/2005 BUSY DAY. After getting a couple hours of sleep this morning, I was up shooting video for The Weather Channel this morning at the crack of dawn. Then, shooting more video early this afternoon of rain in downtown Minneapolis for TWC, it was time for another break. And then I was back out for KSTP for the tornadic / severe storms south of Jordan MN.
5/8/2005 Was out In Western MN storm chasing for KSTP and caught this video of some wall clouds and hail. Click on the image below to watch the video.
5/7/2005 Out chasing for KSTP in Southern MN today. I was on the Jackson MN storm which was mostly Pea Size hail and heavy winds.
5/5/2005 Today I was storm chasing out by New Ulm, MN. I got some cool lightning and a wall cloud with something sticking out of it.
5/4/2005 Today was fun, spent most of the day over at the TV station doing promo stuff for the new gig. I am now part of the KSTP storm chasing team with Andy Revering.
5/2/2005 Out shooting more cold weather video for The Weather Channel today. Brrrrr, November In May, this weather is just upside down.

5/1/2005 Its May First, and it feels more like November First today. I was out shooting cold and snow video for The Weather Channel again today. Hmmm, I saw some Tornado’s 21 days ago, I was shooting tornado video… You gotta love this weather. –

UPDATE Since several people emailed me about the “Dogs On Parade”. It was about the clip above, with temps in the 30s and the video I shot of the Greyhounds wearing coats. I just used the below clip first since it had better graphics. Well, I know your watching now 😉