6/30/2005 I was out today for TWC and shot some windy weather video around Minneapolis, MN.
6/29/2005 Out storm chasing today, caught one tornado near Hanska MN and one funnel cloud near Lake Crystal MN.
6/28/2005 Relaxing At Home, Big day tomorrow. Last night on the way home from the chase bust in southern MN, I did see something interesting.
Here is a Drunk Driver on dash camera as I’m calling it into the Minnesota State Patrol.
6/27/2005 I was out tonight to chase but it was more of a lightning chase. I was setup in Southern Minnesota and shot some lightning at an airport and got some sweet footage off the end of the runway.

6/27/2005 The it was not raining in St. Paul this morning, it was pouring out as I was out again playing Weather Channel Photographer in downtown St. Paul while people were going to work and getting caught out in the heavy rain.
6/26/2005 Out playing Weather Channel Photographer this morning as I was out shooting video for the morning show and shot video at Lake Calhoun. Click on the image below to watch the video.
6/25/2005 Taking the day off to get caught up and relax
6/24/2005 I do more storm chasing before breakfast, then most chasers do all day long. This morning, a line of storms moved into the south metro of the Minneapolis region and slammed into Dakota County. The storms hit the towns of Lakeville and Farmington MN and flooded streets, knocked down trees and made a mess of the area.

6/23/2005 This morning I was out shooting video for The Weather Channel in Downtown Minneapolis. It was 80 degree’s out before 6:30 A.M. Today is going to be a hot one. Below are the actual blog videos that were shot for the network and the station.
6/23/2005 P.M. video shoot. Once again I was back out in the record breaking hot weather this afternoon for TWC and KSTP.

6/22/2005 It’s Hot Outside Today. This afternoon I was out shooting some hot weather video at the beach at Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis for The
6/21/2005 Relaxing Today And Taking A Day Off.
6/20/2005 BUSY BUSY BUSY DAY!!! This morning I started out at the crack of dawn, 5:30 A.M. shooting video for The Weather Channel morning show.
After the morning show shoots, I found this wreck aftermath.
Then I headed out to go storm chase for KSTP and The Weather Channel around noon and I got on the line of storms that moved in from North Dakota and intercepted them just north of Albertville MN. Click on the image below to watch the video.
Here is the flooding part of the video that I shot
Then after getting the video out to KSTP and The Weather Channel for the evening shows, I headed back out to southern Minnesota and got on some more storms.
I got some weak rotation right above me but there should be no question about the rotation since I was right under it with the camera pointed straight up. Then I got some sweet lightning footage.

6/19/2005 It’s Hot Out And I’m Out Shooting Video For The Weather Channel. .
6/14/2005 – 6/18/2005 On Vacation And Relaxing.
6/13/2005 Out storm chasing for KSTP today. I was chasing the storms south of Redwood Falls MN. The storms were tornado warned but nothing was falling out of the sky. I saw some nice updrafts and rain free bases along with some hail but nothing to jump for joy over.
Click on the images below to see the larger images.

6/12/2005 Catching up on projects at home.

6/11/2005 Out storm chasing for KSTP in Wisconsin. Ugh, Wisconsin is a nice state but Wisconsin sucks to storm chasin in because of all the hills and trees. With storms moving north at 35 miles per hour and a bad road network, it was pretty hard to keep up with the storms.
6/10/2005 Out storm chasing for KSTP in southwest Minnesota. Just some cold air funnels. Click on the image below to watch the video.
6/10/2005 Out shooting heavy rain video for The Weather Channel and KSTP this morning.
6/9/2005 Relaxing and taking some time off.

6/8/2005 Out shooting video this morning for The Weather Channel.
6/7/2005 This afternoon, I was back out shooting video for KSTP of the storm in Goodhue County around the Kenyon MN area.
6/07/2005 This morning I was out storm chasing and shooting video for The Weather Channel and KSTP. Click on the image below to watch the lightning video.
6/6/2005 Taking the day off and relaxing.
6/5/2005 Out storm chasing for KSTP today. Click on the image below to watch the video.
6/4/2005 This afternoon I was back out shooting more video for The Weather Channel and KSTP, of the heavy rain that hit Minneapolis.
6/04/2005 This morning I was out shooting video for The Weather Channel in Burnsville, MN for the morning show.
6/3/2005 Today was another relaxing day of doing much of nothing today in preparations for a busy weekend of storm chasing. Today I went biking down by the Minnesota River in the Chaska area of the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. Here is a photo I took on some old railroad track that I came across. I took the color out and made it into a sepia toned black and white photograph to give it an aged look.
6/2/2005 Today I stayed home since I did not like the setup today for western Minnesota. Here is a cool photo I shot off my deck tonight at sun set. Click on the image to see a larger picture.