7/30/2005 Out shooting video for The Weather Channel this morning at Lake Harriet at sunrise. I feel like crap today and getting very sick. I don’t know why but its not good!
Hopefully this goes away soon and is not too serious but starting to feel the worst I have ever felt in my life.

7/28/2005 Out playing Weather Channel Photographer again today in Minneapolis this morning.
It felt more like fall then the middle of summer with temps this morning in the low 60s and people were going to work wearing sweaters and jackets.

7/25/2005 Freeborn County – Albert Lea MN Severe Storms / Squall Line Video. Today I went south towards the Iowa and Minnesota state line to chase today. Got on a nice storm just as it started to turn into a wicked squall line. Lots of high winds, wicked clouds and some street flooding. When you watch the video, remember this is REAL TIME, not time lapsed.
7/24/2005 I was out in Iowa storm chasing. Did not have much luck since the storms were mostly heavy rain events but it was fun to get out there by myself and just focus on the storms. Click on the image to view the full sized photo.

7/23/2005 Out shooting severe storm video for KSTP and The Weather Channel today. A Derecho started in North Dakota around midnight and the storm picked up speed and power as it moved through Minnesota and into the Minneapolis metro area.

7/16/2005 Out playing Weather Channel photographer again this morning and shooting some hot weather video in Minneapolis at sunrise this morning.
7/14/2005 Posted A couple more photos to the Hurricane Dennis video blog. These Hurricane Dennis photographs are pretty much a picture tells the whole story, and the story is that Gulf Coast residents of Florida are getting a beating from the weather.

7/12/2005 Back in Minneapolis and putting together my Hurricane Dennis Video compilation. I have over 3 hours of Hurricane Dennis video from Pensacola, Gulf Breeze, Navarre and Navarre Beach Florida.
We also got the eye and were in the strongest part of Dennis with winds in the 120 mph range. All of the raw video that was featured on The Weather Channel and ABC is also on my Hurricane Dennis video blog page now.
The Hurricane Stock Footage tape is available now but is only on a DVCAM 184 minute tape.

7/11/2005 Hurricane Dennis Video Blog – Evacuating the area and going home.
Currently in New Orleans and heading for Minneapolis. Yesterday was intense. We got the eye just west of Navarre Florida as it came on shore. The video is being featured on TWC and ABC. I don’t have time to post the videos online right now but will do so when I get home in a few hours.. The video is pretty cool.
7/10/2005 In route to the target area to intercept the eye of Hurricane Dennis. I will have more Hurricane Dennis Video up soon. Already posted several videos yesterday.
7/9/2005 In Mobile AL early this morning and off to the target area for the Hurricane Dennis Video Blog.
7/8/2005 – In route to intercept Hurricane Dennis. I’m contracted out to shoot hurricane Dennis video for the networks and will be posting lots of updates as I get them.
7/6/2005 – In Minneapolis and planning my Hurricane Dennis Video Chase.
7/5/2005 – Working on catching up on the stock video stuff for BNVN.