Damn people are crazy

I swear I have had a half dozen phone calls asking “you going chasing…” NO NO and NO. The setup looks like a shitty July capped out setup.

So, I chased laundry and finishing up a speech I have to give on Saturday in Texas. Seriously, I looked at the setup today and the posts from other chasers who some sounded like they were in tears because they could not chase and said to myself, get a life people. It’s only a storm.

There will be many more and with a lot better setups then what was today’s setup.
I called Scott Weberpal and talked to him about today’s setup and he told me the same thing.

Got better things to do then to drive 500 miles away and watch the sky. Is this the next step in storm chasing? Yes, it’s called getting a life people. Yes I will chase but I won’t chase more then a 3/4 of a tank of gas from home. It’s just not worth it since I’ve seen it all.

Maybe if a great setup comes along like the May 2004 setup but honestly, there has not been a good setup to really get me excited over chasing long distance for tornadoes since April of 2005. Sorry if you were one of those yahoos I insulted who chase after all these shitty setups but, Save Fuel, Learn To Forecast!!!