Ok, at least I can say that I did not get suckered into the major hype since I did not leave to chase until the first watch went up this morning.
I chased the area of Wisconsin just north of Eau Claire and it sucked!
I saw some decent storms… in between the hill’s and tree’s. I made it to Colfax when I saw this just drop out of the sky for about 90 seconds. By the time I made it to the north side of the town to a clearing, it was gone.
The radar reported that some of the storms were moving at 60 miles per hour. Funk That!!!
Anyway, Here is the images of what I saw that was not reported since I could not see through the stupid trees and hills to confirm anything.
*** Update *** Notice the direction of the flags in two of the photos. Their blowing towards “The Fun Thing” at the time I saw this, there was a tornado warning, hmmmmm. Oh well, I still did not call it in since I could not confirm it. Based on the Radar Data, screw it, its a very shitty funnel that did not last long as it was ripped apart by the storm motion.