I’m melting again…

Anyway, a few weeks ago I was watching CNN (yes I watch it more then TWC now) and they did a story about the food we eat.  More important, what is in the food, High Fructose Corn Syrup and how bad it is and it is in almost everything we eat all the way down to the Ketchup and BBQ Sauce to baby food.

Well, I decided to give it up for a month just to see what would happen and that was a week ago.  No, it’s not Atkins and it’s not any strange diet but holy shit, I have lost 10 pounds in a week but just cutting out foods with that stuff in it. 

Let me get more to the point, I have lost 10 pounds, sitting on my arse, working on several computers, not leaving the house much, and pretty much being a lazy bump on the log, but I have not been taking in anything that has tons of sugar or Corn Syrup.  So, after looking into this more, I find that their are a lot of people out there that say that a lot of the stuff in the food we eat is messed up.  Next time you go shopping, read the label and if you can figure it out, eat it but if you can’t figure it out, put it back on the shelf, I have.