Why I take Copyrights very serious

Rip off my video and use it in your production, I dare you!

I just settled with the company in California for what amounts to about $950.00 per second for unauthorized use of copyrighted material in a production, including distribution over the internet, television, DVD and in a theatrical performance in front of a live audience.

They don’t call me the video pimp for nothing.  Because if the production idiots rip me off I will Video Pimp Slap Them With The Title 17 Chapter 5 of USC, and that book is not tiny.

Their needs to be a law against idiots working in the media.  Before it was some cop writing me a parking ticket for parking in a dirt parking lot that he said was a grass field.  Um yeah, that was tossed out when I showed his bosses boss the satellite photos from Google and asked him what was in the photo.  Damn, what happened to common sense in the world or is the next generation just growing up to be stupid?